Vibe to 150 years with us!

Cosmos walkway mural

Things to do at the Parc

You are among the hundreds of people who use Parc Jean-Drapeau's Cosmos walkway every day. Overlooking the Chenal Lemoyne, this vestige of Expo 67 is one of the main links between the Notre-Dame and Sainte-Hélène islands.

Now, we're providing you with the opportunity to add an artistic touch to this Montréal icon!

In partnership with MURAL, Parc Jean-Drapeau is inviting an artist to embellish and enhance the bridge with a temporary work of art which will grace the pedestrian passageway.

Cast your vote now for your favourite urban artist among the two chosen finalists. By voting, you'll be able to take part in the selection process of the future mural which will be featured on the Cosmos walkway.

Space devoted to the mural

The finalist artists

Benny Wilding

A talented graffiti artist, Benny Wilding produces murals that blend various artistic styles and graphic elements from the past to give them an original and colourful effect.

Official Website

Boris Biberdzic

A trained illustrator, Boris Biberdzic plays with shapes and colours and puts the people aspect and surrounding environment at the forefront of his creations.

Official Website


Période de vote

23 février au 7 mars 2022


Quel artiste souhaitez-vous sur la passerelle du Cosmos?

  • Benny Wilding
  • Boris Biberdzic


Après plus de 3000 votes enregistrés, c'est l'artiste Benny Wilding qui a été choisi par le public pour créer la murale éphémère ce printemps.


Le parc Jean-Drapeau tient à remercier les deux artistes finalistes, Benny Wilding et Boris Biderdzic de s'être portés volontaires pour la création de la murale ainsi que l'équipe de MURAL pour la coordination du projet.

Merci à tous les participants qui ont fait valoir leur choix pendant la période du vote!

Suivez-nous sur nos médias sociaux pour suivre le développement de la murale sur le site.

This participatory activity is in line with the open governance policy which is one of the strategic guidelines of the Management Plan adopted by Parc Jean-Drapeau

Learn more

To obtain more details concerning Public Art or for any request for information, do not hesitate to contact us.

Thanks to our Partner!

© Société du parc Jean-Drapeau