Public consultation
In an effort to devise a Master Development Plan for the next 10 years, the Société du parc Jean-Drapeau (SPJD) and the city of Montréal decided to conduct a public consultation process led by the Office de consultation publique de Montréal (OCPM) in the spring of 2018.
Major stages
- April to October 2018
Public consultation, submission of briefs and opinion hearings; - October 2018 to January 2019
Writing of Commissioners' report; - Starting in February 2019 to autumn, 2019
Analysis of the report by the SPJD, writing of the 2018-2028 Master Development Plan and its Action Plan.

Office de consultation publique de Montréal
1550, rue Metcalfe - Bureau 1414
Montréal (Québec)
Canada H3A 1X6
514 872-3568
Many thanks
The entire process was efficiently carried out by the OCPM team, and the SPJD wishes to sincerely thank everyone who had a hand in each stage of the consultation process.
We would also like to acknowledge the outstanding participation of citizens, associations, organizations, partners and employees in the many activities related to the consultation: this process allowed you to share your ideas, briefs and viewpoints, elevating our thinking process to another level.
Once again, thank you to one and all for your contribution to this collective thought process: the keen interest you have expressed in the future of Parc Jean-Drapeau has reinforced the need to have a Master Plan so that everyone can continue to enjoy this one-of-a-kind park.
All of the documentation submitted by the SPJD and the various parties of interest are still available online at ocpm.qc.ca/parcjeandrapeau (French only), where you will also be able to consult the Commissioners' report once it is tabled.
Important documents
Master Forestry Plan (French only), Thursday, May 2, 2019, 2 MB
Cadre stratégique du parc Jean-Drapeau (French only), Wednesday, May 16, 2018, 1 MB
Portrait de l'art public au parc Jean-Drapeau (French only), Wednesday, May 16, 2018, 1 MB
Réflexion sur l'arbre, le fleuve et le paysage (French only), Wednesday, May 16, 2018, 1 MB
Vers un parc intelligent (French only), Wednesday, May 16, 2018, 8 MB
Énoncé de l'intérêt patrimonial de l'île Notre-Dame (French only), Wednesday, May 16, 2018, 3 MB
Énoncé de l'intérêt patrimonial de l'île Sainte-Hélène (French only), Wednesday, May 16, 2018, 3 MB
Learn more
To obtain more details concerning the public consultation of parc Jean-Drapeau or for any request for information, do not hesitate to contact us.
© Société du parc Jean-Drapeau